Research . Monitoring . Evaluation . Welcome to Remoeva. Providing and maintaining
a professional and progressive
consulting service.
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We seek to Deliver The
Highest Quality
We seek to deliver the highest quality, relevant
and user-friendly social research, monitoring
and evaluation solutions at all times.
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Catering for Public Sector and NGOs We cater for public and non-governmental
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About Remoeva.

A 100% black-owned consulting company. Specialising in monitoring and evaluation, impact assessments, strategy development, capacity building and social research and reporting.


Our Vision.

To be recognised as a specialist and key regional provider of strategic consulting services for public and development sector organisations across the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region.

Our Mission.

Our mission is to help public and development sector organisations better demonstrate the difference they make and so enhance their value-proposition and sustainability.
reasearch, monitoring, evaluation

Our Services and Products.

At REMOEVA Consultants we offer a range of comprehensive services and products best suited for the public sector, academic institutions and non-governmental organisations.

Research and Strategy Development.

Our research division caters to public sector and non-governmental organizations that need to supplement or outsource their social research and analysis needs.

Evaluation and impact assessments.

We view monitoring and evaluation as crucial for the demonstration of progress that organisations are making. Good practice of monitoring and evaluation forms the basis of this…

Programme Performance Monitoring.

At REMOEVA we support organisations through providing performance monitoring support.

M&E Capacity Building.

REMOEVA also specialises in capacity building for monitoring and evaluation.

Integrated and Programme Performance Reporting.

At REMOEVA we have significant report writing competences and templates and produce excellent conference and workshop reports on time. We also provide Rapporteuring and editorial services

Editorial, Rapporteuring and Report Writing.

We provide editing services for organisational and academic publications.

Our Work.

We have been contracted / subcontracted to, among others;


Greenpeace Africa

Conduct evaluation of 3-year strategic plan for Greenpeace Africa

Gauteng Provincial Legislator

Conduct oversight training for the Gauteng Provincial Legislature

National Research Foundation

rapporteuring services for the National Research Foundation.


Developing Draft IDP Guidelines for GIZ.

OR Tambo District Municipality

Conduct training of MPAC for OR Tambo District Municipality.
a bee company

REMOEVA Consultants is a 100% black-owned consulting company.

Our Values

We’ve built our business on the back of honesty, consistency and uncompromising ethics.


Driven by honesty and a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles


Driven by a single-purpose focus on the programme


Driven by a genuine love for people



REMOEVA Consulting undertakes consultancy and research work for:


Government departments

Non-government organisations

Legislative agencies

State owned entities

Academic institutions