Our Services

Evaluation and impact assessments

At REMOEVA we view monitoring and evaluation as crucial for the demonstration of progress that organisations are making. Good practice monitoring and Evaluation forms the basis of assessing the impact and quality of your organisation’s work.


We are specialists in developing organisational evaluation plans, conducting formative, process, impact and outcome (summative) evaluations. This we do in support of public sector interventions, NGO programmes and Corporate Social Investment programmes.

Research and Strategy Development

Our Research Division caters to public sector and non-governmental organizations that need to supplement or outsource their social research and analysis needs.

We specialise in Development of municipal business plans and Integrated Development Plans; Long-term strategies; Policy Analysis; and, Legislative and parliamentary research.


We assist government departments and agencies to base important decisions on research and believe that the ability of government agencies to use research findings to inform government policy will enable governments to respond adequately to the needs of citizens.

Performance Monitoring

We provide support for Performance monitoring activities including development of M&E systems and frameworks, results chains, performance plans and indicator setting, data quality assurance, audits and assessments, development of Standard Operating Procedures as well as programme theory of change models.


We also provide support for Audit of Predetermined Objectives (AOPO) processes and elimination of audit findings for public sector organisations and state-owned enterprises.

Integrated and Performance Reports

Let us help you in your accountability process by telling your performance story in an integrated way through Integrated Reports and Performance Reports that comply with international best practice.

M&E Capacity Building

At REMOEVA we also specialise in capacity building for monitoring and evaluation through;


M&E training and workshops
M&E systems development and support
Legislative and parliamentary capacity building
M&E Course development for organisations and individuals

Editing, Rapporteuring and Report Writing Services

We provide editing services for organisational and academic publications. We also provide Rapporteuring and editorial services for conferences and research organisations.

At REMOEVA we have significant report writing competences and templates and produce excellent conference and workshop reports on time.